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Welcome to FirmRock

Every child in  this world either from east or west has the right to safe drinking water, shelter, clothing, healthcare and education. It is regrettable that the majority of the children in developing countries lack most of the above, if not all. Some go without a meal for a day.



We fully support Noah's mission.

When people support TRILIG, they will be supporting Noah as well!

As we grow, we will give ongoing support to FirmRock!

Mark Douglas,

CEO/co-founder at The TRILLIG Movement 


With high levels of HIV/AIDS, years of drought and 1/4 of the population living in poverty, many children in Kenya are being abandoned and left on their one. Take a look at this information from Unicef:    

Singled out from the crowd 

Even if the world has get used to darken words such as malnutrition, child abuse, exploitation and abandonment we teach our children to look to the light.


He who created all of us with a purpose, sees and knows the life and suffering of each and one of these children. ​We sing and smile to our challenges because we are children of the living God.

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