FirmRock - Children Helper
You can help us by sending:
*Bible /gospel books
*Academic books
*Sanitary towels (for girls)
When you support our project you are helping a whole community.
At FirmRock we are not just taking orphan children from the streets. We help them by making sure that they will have a better and sustainable future. We know that involving the community is the best way to do it.
The women from our village of Itoloni, in Migwani, are developing their beads training and doing an amazing work.
They are creating original beaded bags with different sizes that we sell at an average price of 30 USD.
If you want to know more about how to buy our bags get in touch with us.
Update! Now you can donate with PayPal.
..."Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed"...
Pr 19:17
You can also help by sending to us:
* Clothes
* Food
* Bible/gospel books
* Academic books
* Sanitary towels (for girls)