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About us

In Migwani, Kenya, there are children living alone in the streets, lacking food and water. Some were abandoned, other were left to abuse, early labor or prostitution. Most of these  children lost their parents due to  poverty and AIDS.

FirmRock was founded mainly to help the rural community people, especially children and women, by helping them to develop in various aspects for self-empowerment. The project is located in the village of Itoloni, in  Migwani district, Kenya in a semi-arid with low rainfall area. It supports 24 orphans while at care of well-wishers due to lack of home-care facilities and funds. 


The dream has grown big, from a group to a registered Community Based Organization (CBO). We are targeting to build an orphanage home to care for more than 150 orphans currently living in the Migwani area.

Our story starts with a 31 years-old young man,  born and brought up by a poor family  in the semi-arid areas of lower eastern Kenya. 

Noah David, the founder

As a teenager Noah used to walk daily for 10 kms to attend high school. He would skip school sometimes to work and help his parents pay the school fees. 
Some years later Noah asked himself: God is great and I made it through, but if I went to such life while having both parents, what about the orphans? He had in his heart to start an orphanage but did not knew how to do it.

​In 2014 Noah was among the guests of a mini fundraiser event for needy children. The community stood by his side and  the dream became real.​ 

He took he initiative to start a group to help the Migwani community, particularly the orphans and vulnerable children. These children were facing many challenges including: lack of food, malnutrition, shelter and diseases among other challenges.  

Step 1 - Registration 

After helping our first child we started to believe in a bigger project that could make a difference in this children's life. Gathering the necessary funds was a challenge but some weeks after, the  process was  complete. 


We are a registered Community Based Organization (CBO).

Step 2 - The orphanage 

Our vision is to give these children a future based on education, proper nutrition, care and love. We want to build a home for them. Family preservation is important but many children don't have any of their parents alive. They need a place to live and to go to school.

We aim to build an orphanage but this is a complex administrative, legal and financial task. We need skills, donors (materials) and people to help to make this step a reality. 

(Maybe you're the person that we've been praying for).

Step 3 - Greenhouse/Poultry

Like in every good project our goal is to reach sustainability. We will construct a greenhouse and poultry farming  with the purpose of producing food for the center but also to sell and make money to cater for other needs. This is something that will also impact the community.


We are currently developing some  sub-projects towards our goals. If you are an engineer or are interested in sustainable agriculture techniques please share your ideas with us:  


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