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Thirst Story: Kenya's Rural Drought

Africa- a paradise without winter. The continent that is home to a good majority of zoo animal favorites. A land so rich with culture and life would seem like a dream inside a dream to some harsh continents. Yet they aren't hearing the other story. The thirst story.

Enter the scene of a rural community on Nairobi’s outskirts. In a place called Migwani. The dust takes a choke hold on the community even after a couple of rainless days. This scouring drought causes a famine in weeks or less.

Deserts open where farms were

Deserts opening on communities is frightening for well off modern families. Insert the outcasts into this scene. These vanishing farms and swallowing deserts are FirmRock’s every day reality.We have 20+ children in our care. They suffer from disabilities and illnesses of various kinds. Life is hard enough in the rainy season when crops are growing well. Yet, when the sky withholds the water, the soft, fertile clay becomes a chalky dust.

Why standard method help is not enough

Recent headlines have shown all the ways help comes to Kenya droughts. Apps are carefully selected for Kenyan herders who need help with grazing. Donations to support water projects have been well-appreciated and commonplace for years.

Praising technology and providing seasonal help is simply not be enough for our impoverished. The only thing standing between these children, our children, and us is the efforts of Community-Based Organizations. These established organizations are available to immediately help the suffering. They are present in all seasons-rain or shine.

These CBO's are avid, but they struggle with the same small town problems that all the world has. Expensive tech and even some applications are not an option for low-income start-up farms.

The farm that FirmRock is starting will exist for FirmRock's overhead. It must be started with as little of its own overhead cost as feasible.

Faith like farming

At FirmRock, we believe in the power of faith. The Thirst Story is one based on sadness. On dying rivers and wilting crops. A story of people and animals living in vanishing fields. The Thirst Story is a story of emerging deserts and desperation. Yet we believe it is only one chapter and one book in a better story. The Faith Story.

This coming story will emerge from the sand like every little struggling seed we plant. We have pulled through adversity. We will pull through again. By and by, we will be looking down from the mountain we have climbed. Our baskets will be filled with produce. Then, we will have enough to share with others who have not yet come so far.

Be part of our journey

Partnering with FirmRock is investing in the local communities outside of Nairobi. Your support, whether by sharing this article, or a donation is a powerful step toward progress. You save the lives of children and an entire ecosystem everytime. Turning the dust to rich farmers soil is promise. Africa can renew itself as a paradise. And out of Africa, promise will come for the world.

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